Clinical Supervision
I would like to offer you my support, guidance and challenge to further your personal and professional development in service of your clients.
I can offer you a breadth of experience as an Integrative Counsellor who is Trauma Informed, has a foundation of Person-Centred practice and Humanistic Approaches including directive working styles with CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy).
You also have the option to work in person at my therapy room in Exminster or work remotely via Zoom or Telephone, in compliment to your way of working with your clients.
I welcome Student Counsellors, as well as, Individual Practitioners in Private Practise or affiliated with an Organisation.
My approach is the 7 Eyed Model, which would facilitate the following areas of exploration and focus;
Focus on the client and how they present
Exploring the strategies and interventions used
The Relationship between Client and Counsellor
A focus on you the Supervisee
The Supervisory Relationship (Supervisee and Supervisor Dynamic)
The Supervisor Experience (reflections/awareness/thoughts)
Wider Context of the overall experince and work
Alongside the Integrative Development Model; supporting structure to develop your practice and continued professional development.
If you are interested and would like to contact me to discuss details further please email me via the contact page on the Home Page.